Books.Educational books “Full one year course. Series from 0 to 1 year “, 6 books of 16 pages, in a folder^
Subject: For the smallest 0-3 years old
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The series of educational books “First Knowledge” is a complex system of lessons for a child. It is divided into three age periods: from birth to 1 year, from 1 to 2 years, from 2 to 3 years. An easy presentation of the material will help you organize interesting leisure time for your baby. Such activities are the key to the correct physical and intellectual development of the crumbs. Six in one A convenient folder contains a collection of educational books for children from the first months of life to 1 year. At this age, babies are especially receptive to the world. A child can receive more information per day than an adult. Therefore, it is very important to take time to develop your baby. The series of illustrated tutorials is designed for a one-year course of study. With them, you will introduce the kid to the world around him: colors, shapes, and sounds; teach to group objects according to features; learn a lot of easy poems, songs, and jokes. It is useful and interesting to study with such books! Inside you will find books: “Nursery rhymes, jokes and songs”; “My toys”; “Who says what”; “Studying Colors”; “Exploring Forms”; “Remember the pictures.” We grow and develop from an early age!